Lowson Boulevard from Dover Road to SE 5th Avenue (US-1/Federal Highway)
The City of Delray Beach (City) will improve Lowson Boulevard from Dover Road to SE 5th Avenue (US-1/Federal Highway). The project includes the following improvements:
- Shared-use paths and sidewalks to improve pedestrian and bicyclist mobility and safety
- Two pedestrian bridges connecting to the new shared-use paths
- Drainage improvements
- Signage, signalization, and pavement marking improvements
The City has secured federal funding under the Local Agency Program (LAP) through the Transportation Planning Agency of Palm Beach County. Project oversight will be provided by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Design and construction are managed by the City of Delray Beach.
Project Components
Shared-Use Paths will be provided from Dover Road to SE 5th Avenue (US-1/Federal Highway).
Drainage Improvements will consist of a combination of curb and gutter, piped drainage system, and regraded swales.
Sidewalks will be provided from SW 10th Avenue to SW 4th Avenue and from Swinton Avenue to SE 5th Avenue (US-1/Federal Highway).
Pedestrian Bridges will be provided on either side of the existing bridge over the Lake Worth Drainage District E-4 Canal.
Roadway Pavement will be rehabilitated via milling and resurfacing and reconstruction.
Construction will take place exclusively within the public right-of -way. Private properties will not be directly affected by the construction.

Project Location