Weekly Update for the Lowson Blvd Improvement Project 12/18/23
- Crews continued installing new Curb & Gutters and Sidewalks along the North side of SE 10th St between Old Dixie Hwy to SE 2nd Ave.
- Crews began paving asphalt between the I-95 Bridge to SW 10th Ave in preparation for the final lift.
- The two new Pedestrian Bridges were delivered during the week and on Friday, December 15th, they were lifted and placed at the Bridge.
Upcoming Week of December 18th
- Continue installation of the new Curb & Gutters and Shared Use Path/Sidewalks along SE 10th St between SE 2nd Ave to Old Dixie Hwy.
- Begin the final new drainage work at SE 10th St and Old Dixie Hwy.
- Begin placement of the final lift of asphalt along SW 10th St between SW 10th Ave to the I-95 Bridge.
- Crews will continue work on the new Pedestrian Bridge and prep to pour the concrete deck.